Privacy Policy
IFS is committed to respecting the privacy of its website’s visitors and customers. This Privacy Policy sets forth what information IFS collects from its website visitors and customers and how IFS uses and protects the information collected. This Privacy Policy may be changed or updated without notice to you, and you should check this page from time to time to ensure you are aware of IFS’ current policy.
What We Collect
IFS’ web server automatically recognizes each visitor’s domain name, but does not automatically collect personally identifiable information. IFS does not collect any personally identifiable information from its website visitors unless those visitors voluntarily provide that information in our contact form.
The Way We Use Information
IFS uses the personal information noted above to contact visitors who inquire about our services. IFS does not share any of the personal information collected with third parties.
Links To Other Websites
Our website may contain links to trade association websites or other websites of interest. Please be advised, once you have used these links to leave the IFS website, KBS has no control over the other websites or their privacy practices. Therefore, IFS cannot and will not be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide while visiting such sites, and, the other websites are not governed by IFS’ Privacy Policy. You should exercise caution and review the Privacy Policy of each website you are visiting to understand that website’s privacy practices.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please email us at